If you are having issues on the SchoolMint Hero app, one of the first recommended troubleshooting steps is to clear the cache. Read below for instructions for specific devices.
- Android: Clear App Data Cache
- TC51: Clear data and cache
- iOS: Delete and reinstall the app.
- MC40: Clear Cache and Data
Clearing the Cache on Android
- Open the Settings
- Click on Apps
- Select the SchoolMint Hero app
- At the top of the page you'll have two options: Clear storage and Clear cache.
- Click Clear storage and Clear cache.
Clearing the Data Cache on a TC51
- Open the Settings of your Android Device.
- Scroll down and tap on Apps located under the Device Header
- In the All Apps section, scroll down to the SchoolMint Hero App and tap on it
- In the Hero App info screen tap on Storage.
- Tap the Clear data button
- Tap the Clear cache button.
Clearing the Data Cache on an Apple Device (iOS)
- Apple devices currently have very limited ability to delete the cache that the App uses. The only current solution to ensure that the Data App Cache is cleared on an iOS device is to delete the app and then reinstall it.
Clearing the Cache on MC40
1. Open your Settings menu and tap on App.
2. Tap on the Hero App.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the Hero App Info tap on Clear Cache and then Clear Data.
4. Click on OK to confirm clearing the App Data for the app.
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