Michelle McNamara

  • Total activity 116
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Recent activity by Michelle McNamara Recent activity Votes
  • Activating Guardian Accounts

    When guardian email addresses are imported into SchoolMint Hero via student upload or manually added, the guardian account is automatically created.Guardians then receive an email with a link to lo...

  • Email Personalization Tips for Notification Center

    Letters sent via the Notification Center can be customized further with personalization. Remember: if you include placeholders that don't have data for the student, the placeholder will be blank in...

  • SchoolMint Products - Status Updates Page

    SchoolMint strives to minimize service interruptions, but like any SAAS company, there may be planned maintenance or unplanned service disruptions. Users can visit SchoolMint’s status page for upda...

  • Compatible Printers for SchoolMint Hero

    The following printers are compatible with SchoolMint Hero as of 8/28/2024. We are actively adding compatible printers. Note: Only printers that have a language type are or can be supported. Deskto...

  • SFTP Setup Instructions

    This article provides instructions for configuring SFTP import in SchoolMint Hero.  Log into SchoolMint Hero (Note: This user must have access to SFTP/Account Management) Click on Config > Imports...

  • Troubleshooting - Clearing the Cache

    If you are having issues on the SchoolMint Hero app, one of the first recommended troubleshooting steps is to clear the cache. Read below for instructions for specific devices.  Devices:  Android...

  • Student Behavior History Report

    What is the Student Behavior History Report? The Student Behavior History Report provides a full list of every behavior track issued for a student, actions assigned and complied and the staff membe...

  • Reset Your Password

    If you forgot your password, you can reset it on the login screen.  Go to hero.schoolmint.com. Type in your email and click "Forgot Password." If your email is in the system, you will receive an em...

  • Schoolwide Points Report

    What is the Schoolwide Points Report?  The Schoolwide Points Report provides a list of all students and the total number of points they have earned over a period of time, as well as the available n...

  • School Activity Report

    What is the School Activity Report?  The School Activity Report shows how staff use SchoolMint Hero over a period of time. The report helps to recognize or coach staff members and to celebrate or s...