What are Special Events?
Special Events are events that occur throughout the school year. Students can redeem Hero points to attend these events.
How to build a Special Event Incentive Code
- To build any type of Incentive Code, first navigate to Reactions via Config > Reactions.
- Create a new Reaction by selecting the green "+ Add" button in the upper right-hand corner.
- Name the Reaction something like "Special Event Reaction". Enter text in the Message on Pass box.
4. Toggle ON "Enable Compliance Reaction" and enter information in the boxes that appear below the toggle:
- Days until the Reaction begins: Must be at least "1"
- Limit number of students: Must have a positive number. If there is no limit, simply input a large number.
- Days when Reaction can happen: Indicate which days of the week this award can be redeemed.
Note: Days until reaction begins must be at least "1". |
5. Click Save.
6. Next, build a behavior code that matches the Incentive Event via Config > Behavior Codes > Add Behavior Code.
5. Add the default Reaction you created previously and set the Reaction to subtract the appropriate number of points required to attend the event.
Tip! School users can generate a list of students who purchased tickets to the event in the Compliance Report. School users can use the Compliance Report to scan students into the event on the day of. |
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